M_[s] is an attempt at growing a design office/ think-tank out of buzz/ ether/ information (mis- or otherwise) and can therefore be thought of as a design office existing (only/ for now/ at present) in text/ media/ thought/ the-crystallized-honeycomb-of-the-African-shoe-beetle. - a.iverson, 2007

Monday, July 14, 2008

BS08.009 Textual or Babel

Category: Text and/or Video

Short story or screenplay in which every 3-5 words (or every sentence) are written
in a different language. The story is continuous and simple.
Example of simple story/ structure:
A man, dresses to go down stairs to get some milk and the morning paper, meets on the way a neighbor, discusses a mutual friend and the weather, recalls a memory of a mild sexual liaison with the mutual friend years ago. Brings the paper upstairs and makes coffee and eggs, reads the paper and thinks of the day’s errands, gets a phone call. Talks to his ex-wife or girlfriend. Cleans up the dishes, gets ready to go and take care of the rest of his errands. Etc.
Q. If we change every sentence to be its own language then there is continuity or understanding per sentence, is this better or worse then changing every 3-5 words.
Q. Or is it better to make the same words consistent in the same language i.e. every use of the word ‘I’ or ‘you’ or ‘and’ etc. is written in the same language?
Q. Do the languages repeat i.e. will we have enough languages to complete the story if we only use them once, i.e. only one instance of German, Chinese, and Arabic?
Q. Does there become a video version of the story and if so film it in the different countries or ask persons online in their country to film there part of the story in which case we would need to switch languages every 3-5 sentences.
Work/Research Pellets:
1. Language translation program software.
2. Areas for solicitation of videographers internationally
3. Editing video/ text
4. Text self-publication
5. Publication available for electronic book
6. Audio Book

Project Team / Agents:
Writers, Videographers, Web designers.


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