M_[s] is an attempt at growing a design office/ think-tank out of buzz/ ether/ information (mis- or otherwise) and can therefore be thought of as a design office existing (only/ for now/ at present) in text/ media/ thought/ the-crystallized-honeycomb-of-the-African-shoe-beetle. - a.iverson, 2007

Sunday, August 09, 2009

M_[s] Introduction/ Invitation

Dear Friends/ Blog Visitors:
I want to welcome you to this blog and say a few words about its use and intention.

The blog entitled ‘Mass Specific M_[s]’ serves as an initial site/step towards creating an interactive website/ company called Mass Specific and represented by the formula: M_[s]. (Please refer to BS08.001 below for a company description.)

The M_[s] blog contains a list of pilot projects, referred to by BS number, that serve as outlines around which to organize project teams, research and work. At this stage all such work is on a volunteer basis with the understanding that any profit or celebrity resulting from such products will be shared by the participants.

It is important to note that M_[s] is itself developing as a project (BS08.01) and that this initial blog site is an attempt to run some pilot projects while M_[s] the company develops. It is anticipated that these pilot projects will help to inform the company’s development and viability.

The pilot projects, called ‘Bold aSsignments’ (signified by BS date and number) are arranged in parts as follows:
1. BS number and Title – Serves to catalog projects as they are updated with progress made, added too and archived for reference.
2. Category – Summary of anticipated project deliverable.
3. Brief - Outline or descriptive narrative of project.
4. Work/ Research Pellets - Each BS is broken down into ‘Pellets’ of work. Since at present all work is voluntary time the pellet is considered a small, limited and manageable piece of work. It is intended that team members will volunteer time towards a pellet to which they feel best suited and or attracted too. The combined effort of the team will thus form the body of work for each BS. (note ‘Q’, denotes questions as starting points for investigations and work but can and should be added too)
5. Project Team / Agents - This is a list of project team members that is anticipated are necessary for the execution of the work. The list is a starting point and should not be considered exclusive.
6. Leads/Links/Spoors - These are related links and information forming an initial background or database for the project to add too and recourse.

Please browse the following pilot projects/ BS and reply here as to the area for which you would like to be an agent. This will define your work pellet (limited amount of work) and help to establish a time frame to meet your schedule and with reasonable project deliverable. All agents should submit a CV or Resume to be distributed with project information. With the production of a BS deliverable as well as submission of your CV you will automatically become a member/ agent of M_[s].

I look forward to your comments and to working together. Sincerely, A. Iverson

BS08.011 Musical Façade i.e. wind-instrument-rain-screen-panelized-façade-system

Category: Product Development

Combining the study of wind loads on the surface of a building form with the idea of wind instruments to create a passive rain screen panel system that would emit sound when struck by the winds.

Work/Research Pellets:
Pellet 1: Music, Sound, and Instrumentation/ Studies
[Musicians, Sound Technicians, Musical Artists]
Q. How could panels be articulated to create pleasing background sound (think distant train sound, or waves at the ocean, NOT car alarm sound quality)
Q. How is wind captured and moved through a hollowed shape to articulate resulting sound?
Pellet 2: Wind Energy Modeling
[Mechanical Engineers, Architects, Private Companies working with these systems]
Q. What existing computer software is commonly used to model wind loads? Is free software available?
Q. (Assumptions): Anticipate greater wind suction or movement at the corners and cornice of the buildings so would the Musical Façade panels become larger or have deeper sections here?
Pellet 3: Parametric Modeling of wind-instrument-rain-screen-panelized-façade-system
[Architects, Industrial Designers working with this program]
Q. Can used of Parametric Modeling help to develop musical façade in its ability to change panel form based on wind load models for different climates, regions, and localized areas of the building envelope?
Q. Could prototyping of such a façade system be initiated directly from this modeling software, i.e. go from 3D model to rapid prototyped object and therefore initiate the system as a customized mass-market product?
Pellet 4: Real (Physical) Modeling of wind-instrument-rain-screen-panelized-façade-system
[Architects, Millworkers, Fabricators]
Involves making one or more panels at full scale.
Q. Can used of Real Modeling help to develop musical façade in its ability to test system in real time?
Q. Can model materials be used rather than actual or would this affect sound quality.
Q. Does shape of panel or material effect sound quality, if both, how can these be tested?
Pellet 5: CD drawings/ documents of wind-instrument-rain-screen-panel-façade-system
[Architects, Curtain Wall Manufacturers]

Project Team / Agents:
Musicians, Sound Technicians, Musical Artists, Mechanical Engineers, Architects, Industrial Designers, Millworkers, Fabricators


Web Search: Wind Sculpture

Web Search: Music Sculpture

Web Search: Musical Buildings

Web Search: Wind Pipes

Web Search: Wind Engineering

Monday, July 14, 2008

BS08.001 Mass Specific M_[s]

Category: Business Plan/ Funding

M_[s] is:
An online design think-tank/ company using the business model of online dating and other socialized web-networks to form interdisciplinary project teams based on professional / amateur / speculative interest.
Whereby business is a common purpose of socializing and exacerbated by online / wireless technologies = doing business is sexy.
It follows that projects formed by groups of people based on interest will link disparate groups (masses) towards a common (specific) purpose.
Such projects are essentially self-generating and thereby clientless.
Work/Research Pellets:
Q. Research/ find grant opportunities for small business, minority business, architectural grants, public work grants, art grants etc. available.
Q. What software exists (free software preferred) in the online dating or facebook or similar frameworks?
Q. Research possibility to link or share files w/ online dating or facebook or similar sites.
Q. Gather Websites who’s format and style is acceptable as starting point for the stylizing of M_[s]
Q. Construct website w/ information above.

Project Team/ Agents:
Architects, Web Designers, Artists, Sociologist, Business Persons.


BS08.009 Textual or Babel

Category: Text and/or Video

Short story or screenplay in which every 3-5 words (or every sentence) are written
in a different language. The story is continuous and simple.
Example of simple story/ structure:
A man, dresses to go down stairs to get some milk and the morning paper, meets on the way a neighbor, discusses a mutual friend and the weather, recalls a memory of a mild sexual liaison with the mutual friend years ago. Brings the paper upstairs and makes coffee and eggs, reads the paper and thinks of the day’s errands, gets a phone call. Talks to his ex-wife or girlfriend. Cleans up the dishes, gets ready to go and take care of the rest of his errands. Etc.
Q. If we change every sentence to be its own language then there is continuity or understanding per sentence, is this better or worse then changing every 3-5 words.
Q. Or is it better to make the same words consistent in the same language i.e. every use of the word ‘I’ or ‘you’ or ‘and’ etc. is written in the same language?
Q. Do the languages repeat i.e. will we have enough languages to complete the story if we only use them once, i.e. only one instance of German, Chinese, and Arabic?
Q. Does there become a video version of the story and if so film it in the different countries or ask persons online in their country to film there part of the story in which case we would need to switch languages every 3-5 sentences.
Work/Research Pellets:
1. Language translation program software.
2. Areas for solicitation of videographers internationally
3. Editing video/ text
4. Text self-publication
5. Publication available for electronic book
6. Audio Book

Project Team / Agents:
Writers, Videographers, Web designers.


BS08.010 SurveyLNC (Law of Noncontradiction) Tables

Category: Sculpture/ Installation Art

Voluntary exposure of private belongings via survey check points (sLNCs). sLNCs will duplicate the checkpoints created by armed policeman at transportation hubs. However, having no legal authority the sLNCs will accept bags and carry-ons that are voluntarily donated for search and documentation purposes.
Q. The sLNCs, stations/ tables manned by artist who will document the contents of passenger’s personal belongings and incorporate the process of the search as well as the items inside into an artwork. The artwork will be displayed online such that the process of surveillance can be distributed to all who see the work.
Q. The sLNCs will be tables/ structures/ sculptures that will accept personal artifacts as donations which are then added (keys, tissue paper, books, gym cloths, Tupperware, chewing gum, wallet, etc.) to the table structure to become or form a threat or weapon/ sculpture.
Q. The sLNCs will accept a particular type of donation, either keys or credit cards that once collected will be used to form the final sculpture and donated to the 9/11 museum. Possible sculpture media: cast brass (keys) or metal, cast resin or cast plastic.

Work/Research Pellets:
1. What type of plastic is used in credit cards and how can this be tooled?
2. Who operates the 9/11 Museum, contact persons there.
3. Legality of creating an artwork on the sidewalk that mimics law enforcement efforts.
4. Create website for display of items searched or donated.
5. Create paper survey/ poll for participants recording thoughts on current surveillance efforts as part of this presentation.

Project Team / Agents:
Sculptors, Installation artists, Performance Artists, Web designers, Lawyers.


BS07.005 Bio-Skin Buildings

Category: Product Development

A building façade system incorporating green wall technologies with data on specific species habitats to produce exterior cladding systems fostering or hosting species within the façade of the building. The process would introduce buildings as species sponsors and allow for the built environment to reconnect eco corridors.

Work/Research Pellets:
1. Species and their habitats. Pilot project to pick location and identify viable species (ex. New York City: Brown Owl, Luna Moth)
2. Rain screen systems and attachment, integration with curtain wall systems.
3. Irrigation systems use with green wall systems.
4. Green wall systems.

Project Team / Agents:
Architects, Landscape architects, Curtain wall manufacturers, Biologists.

BS005.06 Product Development

BS06.001 Developer Incentive

Q: how long is a developer responsible/ accountable for the property and/or construction they develop. And what is/ is there a governing entity that would be responsible for extending this accountability. it is presumed (perhaps falsely, please comment) that if a Developer were held accountable for a greater period of time, say for instance, the length of time for most of the warrantees on the products used in the construction to expire, that if that were the case the Developer would be more inclined to: use better construction methods/ products/ green design solutions.
Q: what are the tax incentives for developing a property. It is presumed/ perhaps falsely/ please comment that the more blighted the area the more incentive is given. If so is this state, local or federal tax incentives? Is there any general tax benefit even if the area is not blighted and is this based on use (i.e. residential vs. commercial)
Q: are there landscape developers? Why would there be?
Q: there is rumor of a NYC tax incentive merely for erecting scaffold at any building, presumably it can than be ‘written off’ as improvement/ maintenance to a building. Is this rumor true, if so please quote the source.

BS06.002 Wind Power

The following are rankings of landscape in terms of sites suitable for wind power farms [Orion; Sept. Oct. 06; pg. 36]:
1. Unsuitable –lands where development is prohibited (Appalachian Trail corridors, for example) or ‘high conflict’ areas: 24 miles (25 percent).
2. Less than ideal – federal or state conservation lands rated ‘medium conflict’: 21 miles (22 percent).
3. Conditionally favorable – conservation or open space lands rated ‘low conflict’, or open space or private lands rated ‘, medium conflict’: 27 miles (28 percent).
4. Most favorable – unrestricted private land and ‘low conflict’ areas: 24 miles (25 percent)
Q: find U.S. maps of wind power suitability.
Q: do these exist, if so who compiles information, private or public entity?
Q: do states have maps of these areas? If not and we find them should we make available to individuals/ states?
Q: if these do not exist who do we talk to? Universities in each state? To compile such maps? Grant for this? Do these people then work for M-S? can we sell such maps?
Q: are there federal grants available to develop the land for wind power?

BS06.003 Measurement

The phenomenon of ‘back-action’, in which the act of measuring or observing changes what is measured, has been limited to the mirco scale of quanta and therefore while true of quantum mechanics has not effected Newtonian physics which is the rule at the macro scale of observable phenomenon. However, recent studies indicate this phenomenon can now be transferred to the macro scale via Nanomechanical systems. These are objects of less than a micrometer but significant is the fact that they are made up of billions of atoms and the effects that usually only register on individual atoms and molecules, effects nanomechanical systems i.e. multi-atom systems. [“Observing and the observed”, Michael Roukes, pg. 154, Nature]
Suggested study: using the example of a common architectural scale, make one for the following work:
Quantum Physicist scale
Physician scale
Businessman scale
Opera singers scale
Astrologist scale
Artist Scale
Q: What has temperature to do with measure?
Q: Is this the cause of conflicting field measurements?
Q: Should temperature be part of our survey as well as personal profile of the surveyor?

BS06.004 Random Research

Q: Does sports give men something to talk about?
Q: Phenomenon of informal meetings among friends:
a. Max # of people able to be coordinated at the same time and same place?
b. How much notice does the group need? Does this depend on size of group?
c. Does the number increase or decrease in urban areas?
d. Is this effected by gender?
e. What is the percentage of cancellations and no-shows?
Q: Potential for superstar architects to act as record labels, i.e. sponsor/ promote other architects of similar style/ proclivity. Premise: since the branding of architects is a form of product familiarity among consumers would it be possible to extend the brand or create umbrella brands so that consumers could shop within their architectural genre? Could this become a Wal-Mart of architecture products, named by isle, plans for sale for various building, lot, types?

BS06.005 Product Developement

“blanks” are pumice stone mixed with concrete for added weight and used as artificial reef builders. [Audubon, Sept.-Oct. 06, pg. 21]
Q: can similar building materials be created or used on building facades creating vertical estuaries, park grounds, etc?
Q: could this have a symbiotic effect with the building systems?
Q: draw a detail section of this.
Q: draw a building section showing occupation of the building by different organisms thus accommodated and relationship to human inhabitants of buildings.

Possible Leads:
Invisible Structures

BS06.006 Video

“tracking dragonflies”
radio transmitters attached to dragonflies to track migration
Q: can cameras (similar to those used in laser surgery) be attached to dragonflies and can this form a video sequence sellable on YouTube?
Q: does the ability to form this ‘dragons-eye’ perspective inform architecture in the same way that air travel informed modernism /1930’s architects?

BS06.007 Housing Policy

middle-income housing. here is what we would need to start:
Q: is there a way to poll projects and low-income housing and find out: what percentage is chronically or permanently unemployed. what percentage is employed and of that how many have more than one job.
Q: who are the government, state and federal, adjacencies responsible for writing law pertaining to low-income housing. once we know who that is we can begin a conversation about middle-income housing.
Q: we need a way of polling the number of professionals, like you and me, who are unable to afford housing. we need to find out the age, location, average income of these people.
Q: look at recent artcials on sale of Stuyvesant Town, NYC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14920388/

M_[s] Lexicon

Innersurgency - noun, plural – [inner-sur-juh n-see] conflict of selves, rebellion within an individual.

Limitology – noun - [lim-it-tol-uh-jee] the study of limits.

Nudability – adj. - [nood-ahy-buhl-i-tee] - the kinetic potential of each person to become nude; largely dependent on circumstance/ environment; written as a percentage i.e. ‘Rachel has a 90% nudability while Stan has a 52% nudability’.

Untuitive - adj. - [un-too-i-tiv] – relying solely on knowledge and facts.

Viagrish - adj. – [vahy-ag-rish] – artificially excited; falsely stimulated.

Whoraphor – noun - [hawr-uh-fawr] - a particular loose and provocative metaphor.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

BS06.008 America

“In this infancy of our adventure, America is a mystic Word. We go forth all to seek America. And in the seeking we create her.” The Little Review, a Greenwich Village magazine [The New Yorker, Oct. 9/ 06, pg. 82-86]
Q: Find out if “The Little Review” publication still exists and if m_s can publish there.
“movement of American renewal”
form a “community of interest”
“a vision alone that not only America needs, but the whole world”
“creator of the new American myth”
“more interested in the so-called illogical impingements of the connotations of words on the consciousness…than I am interested in the preservation of their logically rigid significations.”
“modernist to believe that the work of art stands entirely apart from its creator; ‘I would like to establish [the poem] as free from my own personality”

The Waste Land, Elliot
“cultural pessimism that sought antidotes in order, discipline, and tradition”
“traditional forms of belief are unavailable in the modern world.”